Converting Number Into Words Function In SQL Server
Some time you require to make things happen automatically in sql server,and when the word automatically comes in front of a programmer it means a function who can do it!So Lets Create A Function In SQL Who Can Do All These
Below In Just Two Steps You Will Create A Function in SQL Who Can Convert Your Numeric Value In Words.
1)Create Function,then Execute It!
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf_Num_ToWords (
@Number Numeric (38, 0) -- Input number with as many as 18 digits
* Converts a integer number as large as 34 digits into the
* equivalent words. The first letter is capitalized.
* Attribution: Based on NumberToWords by Srinivas Sampath
* as revised by Nick Barclay
* Example:
select dbo.udf_Num_ToWords (1234567890) + CHAR(10)
+ dbo.udf_Num_ToWords (0) + CHAR(10)
+ dbo.udf_Num_ToWords (123) + CHAR(10)
select dbo.udf_Num_ToWords(76543210987654321098765432109876543210)
DECLARE @i numeric (38,0)
SET @i = 0
WHILE @I <= 1000 BEGIN
PRINT convert (char(5), @i)
+ convert(varchar(255), dbo.udf_Num_ToWords(@i))
SET @I = @i + 1
* Published as the T-SQL UDF of the Week Vol 2 #9 2/17/03
DECLARE @inputNumber VARCHAR(38)
DECLARE @NumbersTable TABLE (number CHAR(2), word VARCHAR(10))
DECLARE @outputString VARCHAR(8000)
DECLARE @counter INT
DECLARE @position INT
DECLARE @chunk CHAR(3) -- for chunks of 3 numbers
DECLARE @tensones CHAR(2)
DECLARE @hundreds CHAR(1)
IF @Number = 0 Return 'Zero'
-- initialize the variables
SELECT @inputNumber = CONVERT(varchar(38), @Number)
, @outputString = ''
, @counter = 1
SELECT @length = LEN(@inputNumber)
, @position = LEN(@inputNumber) - 2
, @loops = LEN(@inputNumber)/3
-- make sure there is an extra loop added for the remaining numbers
IF LEN(@inputNumber) % 3 <> 0 SET @loops = @loops + 1
-- insert data for the numbers and words
INSERT INTO @NumbersTable SELECT '00', ''
UNION ALL SELECT '01', 'one' UNION ALL SELECT '02', 'two'
UNION ALL SELECT '03', 'three' UNION ALL SELECT '04', 'four'
UNION ALL SELECT '05', 'five' UNION ALL SELECT '06', 'six'
UNION ALL SELECT '07', 'seven' UNION ALL SELECT '08', 'eight'
UNION ALL SELECT '09', 'nine' UNION ALL SELECT '10', 'ten'
UNION ALL SELECT '11', 'eleven' UNION ALL SELECT '12', 'twelve'
UNION ALL SELECT '13', 'thirteen' UNION ALL SELECT '14', 'fourteen'
UNION ALL SELECT '15', 'fifteen' UNION ALL SELECT '16', 'sixteen'
UNION ALL SELECT '17', 'seventeen' UNION ALL SELECT '18', 'eighteen'
UNION ALL SELECT '19', 'nineteen' UNION ALL SELECT '20', 'twenty'
UNION ALL SELECT '30', 'thirty' UNION ALL SELECT '40', 'forty'
UNION ALL SELECT '50', 'fifty' UNION ALL SELECT '60', 'sixty'
UNION ALL SELECT '70', 'seventy' UNION ALL SELECT '80', 'eighty'
UNION ALL SELECT '90', 'ninety'
WHILE @counter <= @loops BEGIN
-- get chunks of 3 numbers at a time, padded with leading zeros
SET @chunk = RIGHT('000' + SUBSTRING(@inputNumber, @position, 3), 3)
IF @chunk <> '000' BEGIN
SELECT @tensones = SUBSTRING(@chunk, 2, 2)
, @hundreds = SUBSTRING(@chunk, 1, 1)
, @tens = SUBSTRING(@chunk, 2, 1)
, @ones = SUBSTRING(@chunk, 3, 1)
-- If twenty or less, use the word directly from @NumbersTable
IF CONVERT(INT, @tensones) <= 20 OR @Ones='0' BEGIN
SET @outputString = (SELECT word
FROM @NumbersTable
WHERE @tensones = number)
+ CASE @counter WHEN 1 THEN '' -- No name
WHEN 2 THEN ' thousand ' WHEN 3 THEN ' million '
WHEN 4 THEN ' billion ' WHEN 5 THEN ' trillion '
WHEN 6 THEN ' quadrillion ' WHEN 7 THEN ' quintillion '
WHEN 8 THEN ' sextillion ' WHEN 9 THEN ' septillion '
WHEN 10 THEN ' octillion ' WHEN 11 THEN ' nonillion '
WHEN 12 THEN ' decillion ' WHEN 13 THEN ' undecillion '
+ @outputString
ELSE BEGIN -- break down the ones and the tens separately
SET @outputString = ' '
+ (SELECT word
FROM @NumbersTable
WHERE @tens + '0' = number)
+ '-'
+ (SELECT word
FROM @NumbersTable
WHERE '0'+ @ones = number)
+ CASE @counter WHEN 1 THEN '' -- No name
WHEN 2 THEN ' thousand ' WHEN 3 THEN ' million '
WHEN 4 THEN ' billion ' WHEN 5 THEN ' trillion '
WHEN 6 THEN ' quadrillion ' WHEN 7 THEN ' quintillion '
WHEN 8 THEN ' sextillion ' WHEN 9 THEN ' septillion '
WHEN 10 THEN ' octillion ' WHEN 11 THEN ' nonillion '
WHEN 12 THEN ' decillion ' WHEN 13 THEN ' undecillion '
+ @outputString
-- now get the hundreds
IF @hundreds <> '0' BEGIN
SET @outputString = (SELECT word
FROM @NumbersTable
WHERE '0' + @hundreds = number)
+ ' hundred '
+ @outputString
SELECT @counter = @counter + 1
, @position = @position - 3
-- Remove any double spaces
SET @outputString = LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(@outputString, ' ', ' ')))
SET @outputstring = UPPER(LEFT(@outputstring, 1)) + SUBSTRING(@outputstring, 2, 8000)
RETURN @outputString -- return the result
2)Use Function
here dbo.udf_Num_ToWords is name of function.
tbl_picalculate is table name
Amount is a Coloumn name or for testing purpose you can simply type any value like 122 and execute the query.
So Concluding All,things become like this
So Concluding All,things become like this
i: select dbo.udf_Num_ToWords(122) from tbl_picalculate
ii: select dbo.udf_Num_ToWords(Amount) from tbl_picalculate
Now The Very Basic Query of SQL
select username,amount from TABLE
select username,dbo.udf_Num_ToWords(amount from) TABLE
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